공연 순서

1. Court Dance/Hyangbal Dance 궁중무용/향발무

2. Arang’s Dream, The Changing Seasons 아랑의꿈, 계절의변화

3. Jindo Drum Dance 진도북춤

4. Joy Sogo Dance 흥이로구나

5. Sangmo Spinning 상모돌리기

6. Namdo Folk Songs 남도민요 (Namwonsanseong, Hamyangyangjamga, Jindo Arirang)

7. Janggo Dance 십이체장고춤

공연 설명

1. Hyangbal Dance
캐스터넷츠를 닮은 작은 놋쇠(향발)로 만든 금재를 손가락에 끼고 서로 마주쳐 소리를 내며 추는 춤으로, 조선시대에 나라 잔치가 있을 때 활발히 사용되었다. 청명하고 경쾌한 소리로 절제미와 흥을 더한 작품이다.
Performers: Hyunsuk Jeong, Eunsook Kim, Dohee Lee, Mi Kyung Lee, Yunjin Hwang, Hyemi Jeon, Aekyeong Lim, Kyung Ga Cho, Hyeonju Jeong, Youngsun Park, Min Young Lee

2. Arang's Dream
Arang's Dream is a variation of 'Milyang Arirang', a folk song from Gyeongsang Province.
Performers: Kyok Kim, Hyung Jung Hong, Jihye Choi, Yoonjeong Yang, Jiyeong Lee, Yeon Su Choi

3. Jindo Drum Dance
Jindo drum dance is a drum dance passed down from Jindo, Korea.
Performers: Yeonghee Lim, Sung Ja Cha, Miyoung Kang, Yeonah Kang, Nari Lim

4. Joy Sogo Dance
Let's have fun while holding the sogo and dancing with our shoulders.
Performers: Hyunsuk Jeong, Eunsook Kim, Dohee Lee, Mi Kyung Lee, Yunjin Hwang, Hyemi Jeon, Aekyeong Lim, Kyung Ga Cho, Hyeonju Jeong, Youngsun Park, Min Young Lee

5. Chae Sang Sogo Dance
Chae Sang Sogo Dance is a work that harmonizes the chemistry of Chae Sang Sogo Nori and traditional dance.
Performers: Jeongho Kim, Taewook Jo

6. Namdo Folk Song Series
The representative songs of Namdo folk songs, this performance connects Namwonsanseong, Hamyangyangjamga, and Jindo Arirang. Performer: So young Kim

7. Janggo Dance
This Janggo dance is a 12-piece Gyobang Janggo dance, a Janggo dance that was performed towards the end of the Japanese colonial period.
Performers: Yeonghee Lim, Nari Lim, Yeonah Kang, Sung Ja Cha, Taewook Jo, Jeongho Kim

공연 출연진

1. 마하 무용단 (정현숙 단장)

A person in a black shirt
A person with long hair wearing a black shirt
A person in a black shirt
A person in a black shirt
A person with red lipstick
A close-up of a person
A person with dark hair wearing a black shirt
A person with short black hair
A person with dark hair wearing a black shirt
A close-up of a person
A person in a black shirt

2. 시나래 무용단 (임영희 단장)

A person smiling at the camera
A person in a black shirt
A person in a black shirt
A person smiling at the camera
A person in a black shirt
A person in a black suit
A close-up of a person

3. 김계옥 가야금 앙상블 아랑 (김계옥 숙명여자대학교 대학원 전통 음악교수, 25현 가야금 대가)

Image 21
Image 23
Image 25
Image 27
Image 29
Image 31
Image 33
Image 35

4. 판소리 반주 연주자

A person in a green shirt
A person in a blue shirt

* 행사의 내용과 순서는 당일의 상황 및 일정에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다.